--- In
cybalist@yahoogroups.com, Lisa Darie <elixir032000@...> wrote:
>the first vowel was dropped? In Romanian there is also an
expression 'a ajuns la haram', whose origin is lost, but which means
that a person lost everything, is on the edge and is leaving on
public charity 'pomana'.
haram: gratis, gift,
"De haram i-am avut de haram s-au dus".
haram cf DEX:
1) a very thin cow, almost dead
2) plunder
3) abandoned place
"de haram"= gratis, free of charge
haramul haram se face " thing got without work get easy lost"
"haram cã"= such a pitty that... (pãcat cã)
"haram de el"= "vai de el"= "poor him"
Etym. given by DEX:
from turkish "haram"= illicit, prohibitive
Haram etymologie....