>I have indeed nothing against your opinion. I even admit
>your point of view.
It is not only his opinion or viewpoint, but it is of
the what's called in the country of your residence like
this: romanistische Sprachwissenschaft. I.e., all over
the world. So, whenever you attack one thing or another,
you should be aware of the fact that behind Miguel
there are armies of Romanisten (câta frunza & iarba)
ready to show you the right path! ;-)
>The only difference is that I assume there is
>an _older layer_ as Latin. Thing which you don't
You assume that there is a layer older *than* Latin,
and you further assume that Lithuanian, Albanian and
Romanian communicate directly to that layer without
a participation of the defunct Latin. The romanistische
Sprachwissenschaft is ready to accept this, I presume,
if this can be proved scientifically. (Otherwise, the
punishment will be terrible. ;-)