From: alex
Message: 23539
Date: 2003-06-19
>> pãrinte - in the eccl. sense of father (otherwise asme too
>> in parent/s)
> ******GK: I hesitate on this one*****
>> pãresimi < quadragessimawith much wish. There are some difficulties as in deriving preot from
> *****GK: This looks promising, but how does one derive
> the Romanian word from "quadragesima"?*****
>you have to take into consideration from the list given by George that
>> câSlegi <caseum ligat, a period betw. 2 fastings
>> Lãsatul (Lãsata) Secului (fasting after the
>> carneval)
> *****GK: Not sure about these two....****** [TBC]