Re: RE2: some terms for George

From: george knysh
Message: 23398
Date: 2003-06-17

--- S & L <mbusines@...> wrote:
> > --- S & L <mbusines@...> wrote:
> > it was used also the specific
> > > Christian word ECCLESIA [? ????????] used in the
> > > East starting the II-III century.
> >
> > GK: Any additional references? Marius said
> that
> > the word "ecclesia" began to be used for church
> > buildings only after the Council of Nicaea (325
> AD).
> > The Catholic Encyclopedia on the other hand says
> "3rd
> > century" but provides no instances.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> From the same page 73/Marturii Lingvistice:
> The church writer Isidor of/from Sevilla [c.
> 560-636] wrote in his work
> about Etymologies/"Etimologii" [book XLV, chapter
> IV, 11] the following:
> "In the begening the houses of the kings were named
> "basilici"/in romanian,
> because basileus/in greek letters means king/emperor
> and the basilici are
> emperors houses/locuinte. Now the god houses is
> named basilici ."

*****GK: A small correction: it's ETYMOLOGIAE XV not
XLV.===BTW, Isidorus uses the term "basilica" for
"church" (as a building) in at least two other
contexts. The more interesting is his letter to Bishop
Leudefredus where "basilica" casually interchanges
with "ecclesia", and you have statements such as
"basilicae quae in urbe sunt et non habent presbyterum
etc." There is also a particular function, that of the
"basilicarius", responsible for the availability of
certain church materials. So much for the quick
disappearance of "basilica" in the sense which
interests us...*****

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