Re: Oguzname

From: g
Message: 23166
Date: 2003-06-13

>*****GK: There were various groups east and west of
>the river, and they also freely roamed north of the
>Danube as far as the Iron Gates area.*****

Polovtsi is the Slavic name for the Cuman Turks.

> >I am afraid I don't know what do you mean here. Can
> >you give some more details?
>*****GK: That's pretty standard stuff Alex. I'll let
>you do your own research on the particulars.****

Hehe, if that were so simple. The question: "were there
Romanians in what once used to be the greater Hungary
when the Hungarian tribes arrived there and started
'the occupation of the new Heimat' (honfoglalás)?" hasn't
yet gotten an answer. Mainstream Hung. historians don't
give a darn on the various pieces of information contained
in the oldest Hung. chronicles referring to Romanians as
one of the nations found in the territory by the Arpadian
conquerors. If they had found documents attesting such
invitations, followed by colonizations thanks to population
transfers from A to B (as was the case of the German,
Flemish and Wallon settlers in the 1180s-1190s), they
would've long ago shouted heureka. :-)
