From: fortuna11111
Message: 22802
Date: 2003-06-07
>The romanians have been always for bulgarians ,"vlasi".What do you mean by always? Vlasi is more like a regional
> These living south of Danube "beli vlasi" and the other in norththe
> "cerno vlasi".You probably mean "cerni vlasi".
> Now, about the difference. The Byzantine empire as the slavscame, it
> was an Empire but inside of this have been a lot of folks.Of course, that's what I meant by saying calling them Greeks is
> spoken several languages and the poor Slavs have hadproblems in
> understanding how can be "one folk" with many languages.Which Slavs do you mean, Alex? Bulgarians, some of the oldest
> the slavs have been speaking one and the same language,eventualy with
> very smal difference but stil the same language.The stage of development of languages was such that
> to differentiate _after language_ the folks inside of the empire.I disagree. Bulgaria is an example of just the opposite. Or
> romey (greeks) could not be vlasi since they speak differentlanguages.
> "t,"= in bulgarian "c".Alex, this word corresponds to the Russian "greki", for example.
> BTW, which is the name in Bulgarian for Albanians ?Albanci.
> the "arnãut" which is a turkish loan (arnavud) which desemnedthe
> mercenar Albanians soldier in the Turkish army.This is a derrogative name, which is used, I think, with reference
> "rumunzko/rumânzko" in all slavic languages is a new onefrom the own
> way of romanians to call themselvs.Note that Romania is a very late event in the Balkans. Hence the