From: Andy Howey
Message: 22223
Date: 2003-05-24
Hello, all:
In my previous post, I had sent a sample A-stem Lithuanian noun (vyras) for comparison against the two a-stem declension tables for PGmc *dagaz provided by Konrad. I had also provided a sample u-stem declension for the Lithuanian and Old Church Slavic words for “son”, and I had guessed at the PGmc equivalent. Well, I’ve gone through some books that I have, _Grammar of the Gothic Language_ by Joseph Wright and _Early Germanic Languages: Pre-, Proto-, and Post-Germanic Languages_ by Joseph B. Voyles, and I found what they each consider to be the valid declension for PGmc *sunuz. I’ve included each of their renditions along with the Lithuanian and OCS equivalents. The PGmc forms in parentheses with a “*” are forms thatI’ve extrapolated from the information provided by Konrad. They may not be correct, but it’s the closest I could come. Hopefully, this will be useful.
U-stem (son)
Lith. PGmc PGmc OCS
(Wright) (Voyles)
N sunùs sunuz sunuz synu
A sunu sunun sunu synu
I sunumì (*sunô) (*sunô) synumi
D sunui suneu suneu synovi
Ab - (*sunôt) (*sunôt) -
G sunaus sunauz sunoz synoü (syna)
L sunujè (*suni) (*suni) synoü (syne)
V sunau sun(-u/-au) sunu synoü
N su'nus suniwiz sunjuz synove
A sunus sununz sunu synui
I sunumìs (*sunôiz) (*sunôiz) synumi
D sunùms sunumiz sunumz synumu
Ab - (*sunôm-?az) (*sunôm-?az) -
G sunu~ suniwo~n sunewo~ synovu
L sunuosè (*sunôzu) (*sunôzu) synuhu
V su'nus sunôz(ez) - synove
Andy Howey