Re: Tyrrhenian's new family members

From: ehlsmith
Message: 22204
Date: 2003-05-24

--- In, "Glen Gordon" <glengordon01@...>
> Check out this Amathusan bilingual text and tell me that this
> ain't Etruscan-looking:
> Ana mator-i Mukla-i Lasana um-esi
> Their city-LOC Amathus-LOC Tyrrhenian honour-AOR
> Ariston-ose Artowanakso-ko-ose kera keretul-ose.
> Ariston-GEN Aristonax-PART-GEN precious birth-GEN.
> "In their city, the Tyrrhenians of Amathous honour
> Ariston of Aristonax, of precious birth."
> We know this translation is correct because of the
> accompanying Greek text that says virtually the same
> thing "The city of Amathous [honours] Ariston of
> Aristonax, of honourable birth
> Now, the kicker is when you translate the supposedly
> undeciphered EteoCypriot into closely related Etruscan.

> Ana spur-e MucHla-i Rasna um-uce Aristun-ase
> Artuvanaksa-cH-ase cara celutul-ase.


I see that you translate Lasana as "Tyrrhenians". Might it not be
simply "people"? The parallel Greek text says " of Amathous".
Perhaps in Eteocypriot one could not say that without implying that
it was the actual buildings, etc. which were honoring Ariston. Thus
they would have to specify that it was the inhabitants who were doing
the honoring. If so ,and if Lasana truly was cognate with Rasna, it
would hardly be the only case where an ethnic self-designation was
directly derived from a term meaning "the people".

Ned Smith