Re: [tied] Tyrrhenian's new family members

From: Glen Gordon
Message: 22191
Date: 2003-05-23

>Since you had given no further details on the inscription (its date,
>the _exact_ transcription of the Greek alphabetic and Cypriot
>syllabary portions, the source where these transcriptions can be found
>etc.), the above is all true, but irrelevant.

Yes of course Miguel. It's a conspiracy. We made it all up.

The fact that Greek used the syllabary is irrelevant to the fact that
_two_ languages (at least) are being recorded -- one Greek, another
waaaay-not Greek. The Amathusan text is NOT Greek and I defy
you translate the entire passage meaningfully using Greek words
and Greek grammar. You can't.

>The Cypriot syllabary inscription is obviously harder to read. I'm
>not sure Cyrus Gordon's transcription is entirely accurate.

Neither am I. I suspect it's not "matori" but "sapori" but I need to
look at the original text. It would seem that "matori" is induced by
Cyrus' obsession that the language is Semitic. But Cyrus wasn't a
good linguist.

>Having now seen the actual inscription, I'm not so sure anymore it is

Hooray. Let's all celebrate!

>If I knew anything about the Arcado-Cyprian dialect, I could probably
>say more..

But you don't so you should say less. You and Cyrus seem to have the
same desire to parse the text up in a way that it is _not_ divided up
and take any loose connection without a clearly understandable
translation on a whole that makes sense in the language it is supposed
to be.

Cyrus failed and you fail. The text needs to be taken as a whole and
accepted as it is with all the spaces and dotted i's, as it were. I've
given the translation in a non-splice-n-dice way using entirely
Tyrrhenian elements and have even translated the text into Etruscan
(which comes out virtually the same). The resulting translation is
virtually identical with the Greek text, on top of everything. I'm not
pulling translations out of my ass. Etruscan is already fairly deciphered.
This is too much evidence to ignore for the sake of idle ignorant
attempts at making EteoCypriot a Greek language.

= gLeN

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