Tante Qualle

From: Sergejus Tarasovas
Message: 22111
Date: 2003-05-21

>About *skWalo-:
>The word is discussed in JIES 17, 1989, by M S Rodriguez. He
> Latin squalus
> OIce hvair; OHG OSax hwal
> Prussian (ie, a Balitc langauge) kalis = a type of fish
>So now there's a third one for youse guys to play with.

OPruss <kalis> 'sheatfish' (glossed as <welz>) (< *kàlIs < *kàlas)
suspiciously resembles Proto-Finno-Ugric *kala 'fish' (> Fin. <kala>,
Mord. <kol>, Mar. <kol>, Lappish <guole> 'id.'). On the other hand, a
borrowing from Finno-Ugric seemes to be ruled out by Germanic, Greek
(<áspalos> 'fish' < prothetic a- + *skWalos) and Iranian (Av. <kara-
> 'a mythical fish living in RaNha:-', MPers. <kar ma:hi:k> 'a
mythical giant fish') cognates.
