Re: The Carpathians

From: g
Message: 21971
Date: 2003-05-16

>******GK: When is the term "Carpathian" mountains
>first attested? I don't seem to have this information
>in my notes. In mediaeval Ukraine they were known as
>the "Ugrian" (or "Hungarian") mountains. There is
>evidence that an earlier designation was the
>"Caucasian" mountains ("Kavkasiiskiia"). This is
>usually linked to to Caucoenses mentioned by Ptolemy
>(a Dacian tribe) and the Caucaland noted by Ammianus
>Marcellinus. So what about "Carpathians"? Is the
>relation with the historical Carpi genuine? Would that
>not have given something lke "Karps'kii" or
>"Karpiiskii" in Slavic? Whence this "ath" ? *******

BTW, how about the Greek isle... Karpathos?
(between Crete and Rhodos)
