Re: [tied] palatalized k again [Re: cardinal points]

From: alex_lycos
Message: 21777
Date: 2003-05-11

tolgs001 wrote:
> You have to always think of the circumstance that
> your subdialectal region is *in this respect*
> handicapped: you don't have the palatalized [k]
> This is why the transformation Lat. cl- > Romance k^
> seems to you as impossible. But go to Cluj, Alba
> Iulia, Deva, Nasaud, Baia Mare, Sighet, Oradea Arad,
> even to Vama Veche, Vatra Dornei, Suceava, Bacau etc
> and you'll hear with your own ears the North-Danube
> variations of the [k^] in words such as chiama,
> chiatra (piatra), chept (piept), k^***da etc

you are comming to the shiboleth:

bine= g'ine, piept= k'iept, picior = kicior : bivol= g'hivol
viu= ghiu,viezure= ghiezure but never chema = pema since there is no
and the most extreme vine= ghine= zine
This is a subject where I tri to find how is possible this alternance
and which should be the reason , more if there are some colisions
between the ancient dialect and the Latin words or I don'T know what
I should like to know if there is still a second IE language where this
alternation exist.