From: m_iacomi
Message: 21758
Date: 2003-05-11
>> In fact, the scenes CLIV/CLV depict something like this: someActually being fired by Romans on the Column.
>> Roman soldiers walk from the left (where they are) to the right.
>> Behind them there is a Dacian city which burned out. In front of
>> them, there are a group of Dacians (women, children, men) and a
>> bunch of farm animals. A part of the Dacians look back, others
>> bear some weapons.
>> Now, in interpretation of these two scenes, Reinach, Cichorius
>> and Froehner proposed more than 100 years ago the idea that
>> Dacians are chased by Romans out of occupied territory.
> *****GK: This sounds plausible. A destroyed city,
> advancing Romans, fleeing Dacian population (not just soldiers,It is possible to be like this. But there is no way to say whehter
> but "lock stock and barrel", with glances at the threat)*****
>> Patsch argues that it's about the refugees in the mountains whoDacian fortifications _were_ in the mountains and it's there that
>> return to their own villages after the war;
> *****GK: This I don't get. Why would they have left the
> mountains "lock stock and barrel" to fight the Romans,
>> Daicoviciu says they are evacuated from mountains where theyIt's just the last figured battle of the war, near a city (most
>> could have organized further resistence in front of the Romans
>> and brought in plain, where they could have been better kept
>> under Big Brother's eye.
> *****GK: This also seems rather strained. What is the depiction
> immediately prior to the one you have described?*****