Celtic burials near Poland's Baltic coast

From: dubnovalos
Message: 21211
Date: 2003-04-23

I was interested in finding out about the recent discoveries of
Celtic burials in northern Poland near the Baltic Sea. Certainly
further south in Poland, La Tène related cultures (like the Tyniec
complex, and the earlier period of the Przeworsk culture) existed.
(Presumably these cultures are to be identified with Celtic or
Celticized tribes like the Volcae and the Lugii.) But until recently I
never knew of Celtic burials so far north in Poland.

Does any one know of any books, magazine articles, or internet
links which discuss Celtic burials and archaeological
excavations in the north of Poland?

I remember seeing one post mentioning the recent find of a
Celtic warrior who was buried with his weapons and who was
approximately six feet tall. Apparently his grave was very close to
a town on Poland's Baltic coast. However, I cannot remember
the name of the town or grave site, nor can I any longer find any
posting or online article on this warrior.

