Re: [tied] Tychicus

From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 20950
Date: 2003-04-12

At 2:59:06 AM on Friday, April 11, 2003, andelkod wrote:

> St. Jerome (Eusebius Hieronymus), c.347-420, translator of
> the Bible into Latin, the edition known as the Vulgate,
> was born at Stridon on the borders of Dalmatia and
> Pannonia.

> In his Commentary to Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians
> explains the name Tychicus as 'Tychicus enim silens
> interpretatur,' 'Tychicus actually means silent.'

Seems unlikely. The name would appear to go with Gk tukHe:
'what man obtains from the gods, good fortune, luck'.

> Also, slavic word for silent is 'tih'. Does any cognate of
> 'tih' in meaning 'silent' exist in any other IE language?

I believe that the primary sense of the Slavic words is
'calm' rather than 'silent'. According to Buck they're
related to Lith tiesus 'straight' and some other Baltic
cognates of similar meaning, not to Lat tace:re and ON þegja
'to be silent'.
