Re: albanian prefix "stër-"

From: Abdullah Konushevci
Message: 20920
Date: 2003-04-10

--- In, "alex_lycos" <altamix@...> wrote:
> Which is the origin of the prefix "stër-" in Albanian?
> I mean here the compund prefix in words like: stërgjyshe ,
stërnip, etc
> where the prefix "stër-" play the role of the german "ur-" and in
> situations the english "great-" like in great-grand-mother.
> Alex
I wonder much more than anyone about the origin of one of the most
productive Albanian prefix stër-, which I find synonym of the number
four in Albanian katër- used as prefix. So, we have, except
stërgjysh 'grand-father' also katragjysh 'grand-father', that make
very doubtful Meyer's and Weigand's explanation.
(According to Meyer and Weigand this prefix is derived from Lat.
extra or It. stra-. To this source they send also Romanian strâ-:
strâbat, strânepot.)
I mean that its origin must be in PIE *kwetwer->kw(e)twer 'four'
with meaning to make something small. As I have explained once,
labiovelar *kw- gives in Albanian regularly /-s-/. Otherwise, if we
see katër `four' we may notice that second part -twer developed in -
tër. It can be easy explained, if we get, besides PIE *kwetwer also
an synonymic one *kwotwor with treating the diphthong /uo/ > /a/ as
is treated diphthong /au/ > /a/. PIE *a and *o (I mean short vowels)
both derives in Albanian /a/.


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