PIE *meh2g^- ~ *meh2k- and *menHk-
From: Sergejus Tarasovas
Message: 20810
Date: 2003-04-06
PIE *meh2g^- (~ *mh2g^-) (underlying, eg., OE <macian> 'make', Gk.
<mage:~nai> 'to have been kneaded, pressed', <ma:~za> 'lump, barley
cake', Alb. <mazë> 'cream (cheese), quantity', Proto-Slavic
*mázati 'smear', probably also (showing innovative ablaut and
influenced by reflexes of *h3meig^H- 'urinate') Lith.
<mé:z^ti> 'manure, muck out', Arm. <macanim> 'thicken, stick
together' (if not from *mad- 'curdle'), MIr. <maistred> 'act of
churning'(if not from a Gallo-Roman contamination of Gk.
<máktra:> 'kneading trough' and <magís> 'kneaded dough'), Wels
maeddu 'beat', Bret. <meza> 'knead' (if not from *mad- 'curdle'),
PIran. *maz- 'break (< 'spread, blur'(?), cf. Skt. <má(ñ)cate>
below); form') ~ *meh2k- (~ *mh2k-) (underlying, eg., Gk. <másso:> 'I
knead, press, smear', <makaría> 'barley pottage', Lat.
<ma:ceria> 'wall (of soft clay)', <ma:cera:re> 'soften (by
soaking)') 'form (with hands), knead' and *menHk- ( ~ *monHk- ~ *mnHk-
) 'press' (underlying, eg., OE <mengan> 'mix', Lith.
<mìnkyti> 'knead', <mánkyti> '(c)rumple', Proto-Slavic
*mínkUkU 'soft', *mó~c^iti 'torment', also probably (anattested in
texts) Skt. <má(ñ)cate> 'crush (?), deceive (?)' (*-nHk- > *-nk-))
are usually treated as different (even if probably influenced each
other's reflexes) etymons.
The most optimal solution, though, would be to treat *-g^- and -k- as
proper suffixes (rather than root extensions) and lump both lexemes
in one *meh2-g^- ~ *meh2-k- ~ *mnh2-k- (plus anattested *mnh2g^-?),
*mnh2-k- being a nasal present and *menh2k- ( ~ *monh2k-) being an
innovation. Does that look plausible?
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