From: tgpedersen
Message: 20680
Date: 2003-04-02
> >merged
> > Now isn't it curious that in all these groups the *d series
> with the *dH series, not with the voiceless stops? The traditionalrather
> model of PIE phonology has an answer to this: *d and *dH were
> similar, the former being voiced, the latter breathy-voiced. If theversion
> original system was simplified, a merger involving the two of them
> (and producing a {t, d} system) was more natural than the merger of
> eithet of them with *t (sure enough, the latter didn't happen
> anywhere). How do you explain the fact that, in terms of your
> of the glottalic theory, the unconditional merger of *t and *t' (toI'll have to think about that.
> the exclusion of *d) never occurred, while the falling together of
> *t' and *d was so common?