Re: [tied] Vladimir

From: alex_lycos
Message: 20583
Date: 2003-03-31

Vassil Karloukovski wrote:

> Similarly, the name of the leader of a Bulgarian embassy to
> Constantinople in 809 AD is routinely given as 'Dragomir' - a common
> even nowadays and with a clear Slavic meaning name, but the 809 AD
> form is 'Dargamir' (DARGAMHROS). Compare also to the names of two
> other rulers - Bezmer (VII c.) and Malamir (IX c.), for which Slavic
> and Iranian etymologies has been proposed

Since in Rom. is just Vlad and Dragomir ( I exclude derivative as
Vladescu, Dragomirescu, etc.) one will learn that the first borrowings
from slavic into Romanian should be after IX century. In which period of
time is supposed to have died out the OCS-dialect?