From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 20244
Date: 2003-03-23
> In reply to my post Glen wrote'Absolutely nothing about language' is perhaps a little
>> Movements of what though? Language? Do you see language
>> in the archaeology? No, you don't. What you see is either
>> population movement...This says absolutely nothing about
>> language. In fact it's quite deceptive the way you
>> present that fact.
> Glen, when people move they tend to take their language
> with them! Surely you don't see languages "moving" whilst
> people don't? Come on now Glen.
>> Yes, and there's a succinct reason why I repeat it overBut you're ignoring the point that Glen obviously intended
>> and over. It's true that language **can** be a part of
>> culture but it is not necessarily so as with the example
>> of English in North America versus English in India. Same
>> language, different cultures.
> Glen show me a human culture that has no language and I
> will agree that it is not necessarily so. Language is
> ALWAYS a part of culture.