[tied] Re: Germanic Scythians?

From: tgpedersen
Message: 20193
Date: 2003-03-22

> > But as I pointed out, if he took it from a translated Old
> > Norse source, he would have rendered 'Veg-tam-' as
> > *Wegtam, not 'Wechtam', since he would have recognized
> > (like everyone else, apparently) 'veg- ' as a cognate of
> > German 'Weg'.
> You're jumping to unwarranted conclusions. You have no idea
> how the name might have appeared in a *translated* source.
> Note that in Icelandic <vegtam-> the <g> is pronounced [x],
> not [g] or even [G] (voiced velar fricative). And there is
> also an ON <vegr> 'honor, distinction', so <Weg> isn't even
> the only possibility.

Give me one example of ON -g- being rendered in Latin as -ch-
