Re[2]: [tied] More nonsense: Is English /d/ truely voiced?

From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 19316
Date: 2003-02-27

At 5:36:04 PM on Wednesday, February 26, 2003, Daniel J.
Milton <dmilt1896@...> wrote:

> Ladefoged ...... If you really want to see his
> credentials, visit his home page at UCLA (and follow the
> links):


> His credentials seem fine, but I'm idly curious about the
> source of his surname.

Something like 'steward'. Swedish has <ladufogde>, from
<ladu> 'barn' and <fogde> 'bailiff'. The first element is
ON <hlaĆ°a> 'storehouse, barn'; I believe that the second is
from the MLG cognate of German <Vogt> 'steward, bailiff'.
Yes, or at least SAOB agrees; and the last if from Med.Lat.
<vocatus>, from <advocatus>.
