From: george knysh
Message: 18913
Date: 2003-02-19
> Hi Everybody;
> A greenhorn needs some help.
> I am a journalist and I live in Romania/ie Timisoara
> Town in a region still
> named BANAT [Some Basic Info on Banat are to be
> found at
> I am working to a comment regarding the meaning of
> ban/Banat [ie ban as
> ruler of an Banat] from our days until the ancient
> history of the region.
> Everything was just OK until I reach the etymology
> problem of these words.
> It seams that both ban_Banat has some slavic/avar
> meaning [ie lord, master].
> Already the French savant Charles du Fresne, sieur
> Du Change [1610-1688] in
> his work [ie "Glossarium", tome I. (Niort, 1883)]
> was convinced that the
> technical word "ban" comes from "Baian"
> (Bajan/Boeanos), a khan/kagan of
> Avars, who lived in the VI century. Other scholars
> [mainly historians from
> the region] took his explanations as it is.
> Unfortunately for me I do not
> have the opportunity to check Du Change's original
> explanation [I did not
> find yet his work in a romanian library].
> I found some other explanations like: the name
> "banat" has its origin in a
> Persian word meaning "lord", or "master" and is to
> be found also in the old
> Indian dialect [with the meaning of "master",
> "ruler", "responsible",
> "superintendent"] and because this Indian dialect
> was very similar to the
> Thracian/Geto-Dacian [both being indo-european
> languages] one can suppose
> that these -ie the Thracian/Geto-Dacian- used the
> word with the same
> meanings. The argument: it is known that the Dacian
> king Duras was also
> named DiurPANeus. The second part of his name,
> "paneus" means "ruling" and
> "pan" or "ban" means "ruler/master".
> At
> 555-796 Avars*****GK: The claim that Eastern Slavs were conquered
> The following statement is made: "In 560, all the
> territory occupied by
> Eastern Slavs, appeared conquered by Avars, who used
> Slavs as slaves".
> I want to know more on this fact and eventually to
> receive [if possible]
> some academic bibliographical source of info on this
> aspect. If I can find
> substantial evidence that the Slavs were actually
> the slaves of Avars, then
> I have also a logical explanation for the etymology
> of the word ban/banat.
> Any help is much appreciated,
> [but, please, have patience with a non-specialist]
> Thank You,
> Sorin Fortiu