Re: [tied] Lupus

From: Piotr Gasiorowski
Message: 18674
Date: 2003-02-10

----- Original Message -----
From: <richard.wordingham@...>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, February 10, 2003 11:09 AM
Subject: [tied] Lupus

> Why is Latin lupus 'wolf' lupus rather than +vulpus? Is there a rule
> l.kW > lukW parallel to the development of Greek lukos from PIE
> *wl.kWos? I presume similar arguments apply whether you accept PIE
> *wl.kWos or elaborate PIE to have wl.pWos to neatly account for
> Germanic *wulfaz. (There appears a 'lesser wild dog' root with
> consonants wlp - see
> for a list.)

Sporadic metathesis of *wR. > Ru has to be assumed in some cases. Cf. *kW(e)tru- < *kW(e)twr.- (Lat. quadru-, Gaul. petru-, Av. c^atrus^ 'four times').
