From: george knysh
Message: 18324
Date: 2003-01-31
>*****GK: 40,000 BC homosapiens A says "ugh"=== 39,000
> >In the meantime, I'd point out that the difference
> between "rudimentary
> >language"/ "limited signaling of some animals" and
> human language has not
> >been qualitatively or functionally distinguished in
> any real scientific
> >sense.
> What really doesn't make sense is this lingering
> notion that language
> could possibly have "exploded" into existence.
> Anybody who takes just
> five minutes to think about it should finally
> realize that this is
> just not possible for a multitude of reasons.
> Language formed in a
> slow evolutionary process over tens of thousands of
> years.
> we still hoping and praying for some magic_________________________________________________________________
> "explosion"? As a species,
> we seem to need some magical, non-existent past to
> glorify our existence.
> Why is that?
> - gLeN
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