Re: Limba romana e necomplicat.

From: Ben McGarr
Message: 17284
Date: 2002-12-25

--- In, "Glen Gordon" <glengordon01@...>
> Ben a scris:
> >I for one always understand Alex [...], and feel bound to speak up
> >in his support here. He makes spelling mistakes, [...] However, I
> >you were unnecessarily rude, Glen, and I commend Alex for his
> >response. I would love to see Glen write all his messages in
> Da, Ben, poate o sã scriu în limba românã (ºi tu ar trebui). Nici o
> problemã. Nu e complicat. E foarte franþuzeºte ºi am studiat pentru
> orã singur :P Totuºi, e dubios ce e dificil sã îmi înþelege chiar
> gramaticã ce scriu nu e corect. Nu e adevãrat? Eu nu am problemã de
> comunicare în orice limbã.
> >May I add also, that there are certain special reasons for a degree
> >of forebearance in this case. For most of this century, even to
> >extent after the fall of Ceaucescu,[...]
> Am trebui sã blama Ceaucescu cu toate problema de traducere! >:)
> Crãciun fericit!
> - gLeN

Touche! It doesn't seem too hard really, my French got me through
most of that.

Merry Christmas everybody!

[keep it up for the remainder of the year, Glen, and consider
yourself fully exonerated. ;o) ]
