From: alexmoeller@...
Message: 17264
Date: 2002-12-22
> Alex forms a verbless sentence with a very misused connective:Dear Glen,
>>> and what about irl . "ligur"= tongue but not " to speak a language"?
> Piotr understandably responds:
>> I don't understand.
> I think what Alex is trying to say, but it hasn't been explicitly
> expressed as yet, is that he is unfortunately but demonstrably
> dysphasic and cannot form a coherent sentence with a subject, verb
> and object (in that order) like others on this list. I pray that his
> miscommunicated thoughts are coherent to himself at least but the
> outside world may never truely understand his garbled language. At
> best, he is a comical irony for this list. So perhaps I'm bitchy but
> I just automatically put Alex's messages in a trash bin because I
> lack the translation software to unlock the obscure meaning of his
> posts. Besides what is with his singular obsession with Romanian????
> I think we _all_ don't understand.
> - gLeN