Re: [tied] Evolution, Answer

From: alexmoeller@...
Message: 17165
Date: 2002-12-13

Miguel Carrasquer wrote:
> On Tue, 10 Dec 2002 21:21:27 +0100, alexmoeller@... wrote:
>> dignus > demn, signus > semn,
> Nasal cluster (Latin gn = /Nn/ > ERom. /mn/)

no nasal cluster. there , for a nasal cluster you have tenere>tsine .

>> deradicare > deretica, er[a]dicare > ridica,
> The i is unstressed.
in my dictionary "i" from "radico" is a long /i/, so we should expoected
a "rizica" not a "ridica"

>> ad-depositum > adãpost
> de:- has long e:

yeap that is right. and e>ã which is untipicaly for de= de like in other
examples.There is an "ada-" which seems strange there
>> pedester > pedestru,
> Not inherited, I suppose.

well, you cann suppose. I suppose nothing is inherited:)

>> dedere > deda,
> There's -a in Rom., so the forms are not comparable. What does deda
> mean?

hmm, hard to translate. " to accomodate, to become familiar with
something, to consacre him/herself to something)

>> procedere > purcede,
> What's the problem?

procedo has a long "o". the /e/ from the procedere is not a long one
too? BTW methathesis is not usual in romanian.
>> catella > cãtzea
>> ordire > urzi
>> tenere > tsine
> What's the problem?

catella= long /e/, expected catea not catsea
ordire= short /i/ , expected "urdi"
tenere= e+nasal expected tine not tsine
>> rapide > repede,
>> nitidus>neted
> Stress on first syllable.

hier you are quiet right in my opinoin. The palatation is because of the
accent and not because short or long vowel. But this in another mail see
please example like:
verb, adj. sg, adj. plural, conj. prez. ind., pers II sg.
netezi, neted, netezi, netezeSti
repezi, repede, repezi, repezi.

It seems the stress is the one who makes everything .
>> puteus > puts, etc.
> What's the problem?

right. here was a bad examples. in puteus is indeed a short "e"
>> petiolus > picior,
>> -tiosus>-tSios
>> -atio, itio -onis > tSiune
> Latin *ky and *ty are a special case (as usually in Romance): they
> give tz in Romanian, except before stressed ó and ú, where they give
> /tS/ = <c> (picior, -ciune, etc.)

you mean *titia>tsâtsâ ? I mean germanic zize vers rom tzâtzã , there
are two existing words and they are fonological quasi-identic and
semanticaly too.
OK, let see some examples for ty, ky>"ts"
a) you will wonder but from all romanians words which begin with
"ts" there is _none_ which is supposed to come from
latin, a bit strange for the two posibilities "ty" and "ky" which
should have give in romanian a "ts".

b) but we are ready for searching for more. So we will take a look
in some words , inherited , looking for this
ominous "ts" from a latin " ky" or "ty".For "ty" it will be a bit
dificult since we can have t+long i or
t+/e/+wovel, for my taste, too much alternatives. But with "cy"?
cerc, incerca ( no, it doesnt has nothing to do with "cerc"=
circle , the meaning is " to try"), cerceta,
scio > a sti.

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