Re: [tied] OE *picga

From: Sergejus Tarasovas
Message: 16725
Date: 2002-11-13

> From: tgpedersen [mailto:tgpedersen@...]
> I found an old print-out of Rick McAllister's list of non-IE roots in
> Germanic, eg.
> German Pugge, Pogge "frog, toad"
> Basque puga "toad"
> Aha! What?

What if it is an IEism in Basque? Cf. Slavic *pyg- ~ *pyz^- (< *pu:g- <
*puHg-, ) 'something blown up, ball' with possible Baltic (Latv. pa`uga
'pillow', *pauHg- with Winter's feature merging with the laryngeal,
later deleted without compensatory lengthening and prosodic traces as in
Lith. krau~jas or Proto-Slavic *golvoN, hence circumflex?), Indo-Aryan
(Skt. pu:gas 'mass') and Greek (pu:ge: 'buttocks').


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