Re: Real or Spurious Root Matches? (was OE *picga)

From: Richard Wordingham
Message: 16707
Date: 2002-11-12

--- In cybalist@..., "tgpedersen" <tgpedersen@...> wrote:
That's not fair. You're supposed to analyse each language back to the
earliest stage reachable with your ability. I don't think you've done
that for the English set of roots.

Doesn't that rule only apply to valid searches for genetic cognates?

The Sundaland argument for comparing Bagirmi and English is weak;
what the argument would justify is doing a Bagirmi-Austronesian
comparison. (Any Bagirmi speakers on the list?)

I think behind your 'valid' is a wish to introduce a reasonability
metric to be applied on the locations of the two languages in
question before one considers actually comparing roots. All I say is
that the shortest actual travel time (by sea for the periods in
question) instead of mere terrestrial contiguity should be part of
that metric.

No. My ideal is to compare a language (or proto-language) for which
you would not argue a Sundaland connection with Austronesian.
Unfortunately, my knowledge is probably not good enough. That is why
I asked for a location that wasn't reachable. I though non-Niger-
Kordafanian non-coastal sub-Saharan Central or West Africa (Timbuktu
way) would do. If not, where? Central Asia is of little use, for we
don't have Swadesh 100-word lists for any Altaic language but Turkish!

Incidentally, how do _you_ explain the Chadic-Austronesian links.


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