From: Lisa
Message: 16699
Date: 2002-11-12
--- In cybalist@..., "P&G" <petegray@...> wrote:
> Hi Lisa! In addition to the various excellent postings in this
list, it
> might be worth your while tracking down W Sydney Allen's books, Vox
> and Vox Graeca, which discuss in detail, with evidence, the
pronunciation of
> those two languages. The books are a little elderly, but they're
still in
> print because they remain the standard texts on the subject, and
you should
> be able to get them through your local library.
> As for IE vowels, there are lists in most of the standard books on
PIE, but
> they're not always easy to collate. The best overall simple chart
I know of
> is in Ramat and Ramat, "The Indo-European languages." If you have
> finding it, let me know - I'll scan it in and post it.
> Peter