Re: [tied] The Brahman and the Brain

From: João Simões Lopes Filho
Message: 16426
Date: 2002-10-19

PIE mr- > Sanskrit mr-
Joao SL
----- Original Message -----
From: Piotr Gasiorowski
Sent: Friday, October 18, 2002 12:24 PM
Subject: Re: [tied] The Brahman and the Brain

A crazy idea, perhaps, but I think a novel one: what would you say to OIA bráhman- < *mrég^H-mo:n, corresponding to the Greek neuter brékHma/brégma < *mrég^H-mn.? Wouldn't it be a refreshing suggestion, after all that old flaminal business? "Forehead, brain, mind, spirit"?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, October 18, 2002 2:37 PM
Subject: Re: [tied] Gmc. *bru:diz

It *is* beginning to look good. I have also wondered, in the light of the
new idea on *bru:diz, if the connection made by P.Kiparsky between Eng.
brain and Greek brekhm¢s 'front part of the head' (reported by Mayrhofer,
Idg.Gr.,  Lautlehre p. 114) should be taken to represent IE *mr-, not
*bhr-. That would sidestep the Grassmann problem addressed by Kiparsky and

I think we must congratulate João Simões Lopes Filho (whose name won't
come out right on my new computer) on a very felicitous idea. Sometimes
this list does produce real progress. Let's have some more, Joao!

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