Re: [tied] Re: Snt. Philip and Diocletian

From: alexmoeller@...
Message: 16232
Date: 2002-10-14

----- Original Message -----
From: "Amedeo Amendola" <amedeo_a_2002@...>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, October 14, 2002 12:02 AM
Subject: [tied] Re: Snt. Philip and Diocletian

> I don't know anything about the Zeranii/Zeranioi, but there
is the
> Greek word ZEIRA = long cloak (which used to be worn by
Arabs and
> Thracians). The Latin Zeranius/Zeranii is quite feasible (=
> cloak wearers). I suppose there could be the Greek
> (smothered to Zeranioi).

this is why, despite some toughts of George Kynsch is more
better to ask here on cybalist. Here are people who have more
better knowledge about some topics. As I asked about Zeranii,
my toughts were very prophane. And I keept in mind that in
romanians "Tzãranii" means simply "peasants". The explanation
for this word is to be an intern rom. derivative from latin
terra. Terra=rom. Tzara and from tzara you got tzeranii, in
fact tzãranii.
I observe tough, there are many ancient words found today in
rom. language where the changes are very small, in some cases
just a transformation of an antic "e" in "ã" .But his doesnt
means anything more as some observations of me .

thank you very much once again for your translations.