Re: [tied] Let dogs have their day too

From: Sergejus Tarasovas
Message: 16010
Date: 2002-10-07

--- In cybalist@..., Piotr Gasiorowski <piotr.gasiorowski@...>
The only imaginable reason for the substitution k -> s in <sobaka>
(if it derives from <köbäk> with front vowels) would be that given by
Trubachev (the second palatalisation *k > *c plus an ad hoc
simplification of *c > s), which has nothing to do with the satem

Actually, it was given by myself :))), since all I have on Trubachev
idea is: "Ir. proisxoz^denije slova _sobaka_ maloverojatno, skoreje
vsego my imeem zdes' zaimstvovanije iz t'urk. köbäk "sobaka"; sm.
podrobno _Trubachev, Slav. nazvanija dom. z^ivotnyx, M., 1960, str.
29 i sl., gde i ostal'naja liter.". I cannot by conjecture what
explanation was proposed by T. himself.


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