Re: [tied] dog's grave song

From: george knysh
Message: 16008
Date: 2002-10-07

Well once shouldn't bother people too much. Here is a
Ukrainian version:

U popa bula sobachka vin jiji lyubyv
The priest had a doggy (and) he loved it
Vona zjila kusnyk [variants: myaska, flachka etc.] vin
jiji ubyv
It ate a piece of meat (and) he killed it
Jak ubyv to pokhovav
Having killed it he buried it
I na hrobi napysav
And on the grave he wrote
U popa bula sobachka vin jiji lyubyv
The priest had a doggy (and) he loved it
etc etc ad infinitum

--- Pavel Adamek <pavel.adamek@...> wrote:
> Speaking of dogs, I'd like to know
> whether somebody knows the endless song saying
> that the dog was killed and on its grave was written
> that the dog was killed and on its grave was written
> ...
> It is attested in two Slavonic languages
> and I am trying to find other versions
> to be able to reconstruct the PIE version :-)
> I want not to annoy unduly the list with this
> matter,
> so if you by chance do know such or similar song,
> reply please not to the list
> but to me (pavel.adamek@...)

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