Re: [tied] *h3 (More deja-vu)

From: tgpedersen
Message: 15815
Date: 2002-09-30

--- In cybalist@..., "Sergejus Tarasovas" <S.Tarasovas@...> wrote:

> What are the typological grounds for the statement that uvulars
> trigger a-colouring (and not o-colouring, for instance)? What would
> be a possible (neuro)physiological explanation? Just wondering.
> Sergei

With respect to Greenlandic, if I remember correctly now so many
years after, what my phonology teacher Jørn Rischel, who was involved
in the design of a spelling reform for it, said, it is a three-vowel
language (i, a, u), but before uvulars (eg /q/) /i/ has the
allophone /e/, and /u/ the allophone /o/ (present ending(?) -voq, -
poq). For convenience they decided to keep /e/ and /o/ in the
spelling in those cases.


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