Re: [tied] Toponymy and ethnic Realities at the Lower Danube by Bre

From: alexmoeller@...
Message: 15251
Date: 2002-09-07

----- Original Message -----
From: "george knysh" <gknysh@...>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, September 07, 2002 9:09 PM
Subject: Re: [tied] Toponymy and ethnic Realities at the Lower
Danube by Brezeanu Stelian

> ******GK: The best short account of the history of
> Bilhorod Dnistrovs'kyj is a Russian language article
> by M. Shlapak which can be found at the city's
> official website: [WARNING!!! See below before
> clicking]
. 1362,
> and from the Lithuanians by the Moldavians in ca.
> 1377/1378; then from the Moldavians by the Turks in
> 1484, and three centuries later by the Russians.It was
> part of Rumania after 1918, then went to the U.S.S.R.
> in 1940 (more temporary shifts during WW II) and is
> now in Ukraine. Shlapak's article points out that the
> identification of the later Bilhorod with the 10th c.
> "ruined city" of Aspron is very doubtful.

aaamm.. so bad the article is not in english to read. For the
people who cannot beginn anything with russian, which should
be the reasons of doubt for the relation Aspron=Bilhorod?I
just would should like to put them in a paralel view with the
arguments of Brezeanu.
Begining with middle of XIV centuries the topic is not more of
a very big interers for be, but until then, a lot:-)

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