Re: [tied] Beer!

From: Piotr Gasiorowski
Message: 15161
Date: 2002-09-06

Also fermentum, etc., of course. Skt. bHaru- m. 'sea' and Celtic *bervo: 'seethe, boil' also belong here. We should probably reconstruct a metathetic root like *bHerh1-/*bHreh1-, approx. 'splash, foam, boil', with derivatives such as *bHerh1-u-s 'troubled water', *bHreh1-wr 'spring, well'. I am not sure how to analyse the Germanic "burn-/brun-" words (*brunnaz, *brunno:n-); they look as if they could be derivatives of *bHrh1-un-. The river Bzura in Poland (from Brzura < *brjura < *breura:) matches one of the hypothetical etymologies of "beer". Perhaps it is Germanic rather than "Old European".
I wonder, quite seriously, if the PIE 'beaver' word is really derived from a term for 'brown', as generally assumed. Why the reduplication? Why not *bHebHru- < *bHe-bHrh1-u- 'splasher', not unlike *kWekWlo- from *kWelh1-?
----- Original Message -----
From: Miguel Carrasquer
Sent: Friday, September 06, 2002 4:38 AM
Subject: Re: [tied] Beer!

Germanic b- cannot correspond with Greek b-.  A Greek cognate is phrear "well"
(Arm. aLbewr, aLbiwr) < *bhre(:)wr.  A Latin cognate is ferveo "I boil" <

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