Re: [tied] Piotr & Rom. substrate

From: alexmoeller@...
Message: 15110
Date: 2002-09-05

> Looking for information or for a guru?
> Piotr

[Moeller] No Piotr. And please,do not take it personaly. It is
not your job to clear the romanian substrate. And not the job
of Miguel or of someone else who is not interested here. But
it must be the job of the romanian linguists.And there is
almost as nothing.
I know just 2 persons who worked a bit about this. One was
Reichenkron and the last one was Russu.
As Reichenkron ( he analized several romanian word , but
archaic and which donot belong anymore to the living words
into romanian) made this analize he was hard crticized by
Rosetti and Russu and Phillippide, no one of them having the
possiblity to say something else, just to criticize him.
Some years later Russu ( who was one who criticised
Reichenkron) begun a similar job, this time with living words.
He found some corect radicals, he got some explanatios and..
no one knows why, he stoped his work.
If I am a dreamer trying to find the PIE corespondents of
romanian substrate, tell meplease why . Why should be a
dreamer?What do I forget here, whatr I am acting wrong?


a. moeller