some thracian characteristics

From: alexmoeller@...
Message: 14774
Date: 2002-08-29

I made a synthese from teh work of Mr. Mihai Vinereanu about
the thracian language. So far I am informed, his work will be
published soon and accesible to everyone who wants, needs it.
I did not gave exemples here. I will give examples to every
point if someone wants to have them. I tought the posting will
be maybe too long, but if you mean is more better if I give
and exemples, I will insert the exemples here.

the PIE diftongs monoftongued:au>a;ai>e;ou>u;ei>î ( long i)

Short vowels:
*a remains a at the begin of the word. Inside the word in
unaccentuated position become "ã", even so at the end of the
word a=ã
*e remains *e until this one diftongated and from here a lot
of changes begun.
*u remains u except when fallowed by an another vocal becomes
"v".Even at end of the word this *u remains
*o ermains o, become diftong under the influence of the next
vowel(umlaut) and in the nonaccentued syllable became "u"
*i remains i

Long vowells:

*a remains a and become ã when in nonaccentuated position or
at end of the word.
*o remains o or became a
*e remains e except in accentuated position diftongued
*i remains i or diftongued (i>ji)

*s became "sh" in front of an diftong which came from "e" or
*p remains p
*b remains b
*t remains t except when fallowed by a diftong from e or i .
in this case became "tz"
*d remains d except when fallowed by a diftong from e or i. in
this cae became "z"
*k remains k except when fallowed by a diftong from e or
i.africatized(k>k`>tz(sh)) and became "sh" when imediately
fallowed by "s", and became "p" before "t"
*g fallowed by liquid "l" which liquid palatalised under the
influence of j(y), resuletd from diftongation of long
*o(o>jo), resuletd in the palatalisation of the velar
and the absorbtion of the liquid. "g" dissapiers
before "l" if "l" did not palatize not only in tracian but in
celtic and latin too.
*g`became "z" and in same very rare cases g>h trough an
disimilation proces of one of two "g" like in PIE *ger,gere
with the nominal variant *gerg
*gh became g
*g`h this velare became a spirant in thracian (z)
*kW has had an unique evolution in thracian and illirian and
in some apsects by oscan, umbrian and celtics too.generaly kW
got p
*gw became b

The nasals
*m remains unchanged
*n remains unchangen with only one major exception.*n
palatalised when fallowed by "y" from the feminine sufix *-ona
and the masculine suffix *-oniu, and after this
palatalisation, the *n dissapiered.

The liquids

they did not have had major changes, l remains l and r remains
r , in some cases "l" became rotacised.l>r