Re: [tied] Re: -s -> -i

From: Miguel Carrasquer
Message: 14501
Date: 2002-08-24

On Sat, 24 Aug 2002 09:35:10 -0000, "tgpedersen" <tgpedersen@...> wrote:

>So after the -i spread to other conjugations, it was found not to be
>good enough in the conjugation it came from? Hm! But your proposal
>doesn't explain that after all this reshuffle in Romance, somehow
>West Romance ends up with all the -s'es and East Romance with the

As I said, final -s was lost in East Romance (> y after stressed vowel, > 0
after unstressed), so it would have been hard indeed for East Romance to end up
with all the s'es. And as I also mentioned, the Rhaeto-Romance masc. plural is
in -i (at least in some of the dialects), so not all the vowels ended up in the

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal

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