Re: [tied] Got milk?

From: Glen Gordon
Message: 14492
Date: 2002-08-24

>>dl->gl- in Geek can be seen in glykys "sweet" <
>>*dluku- < *dLku-, cf. Latin dulcis
>Yes, though the derivation of Gk. -lu- from syllabic
>*l is problematic in this environment. Perhaps *dluk-�- (and metathesis in

Hmm, how do we get /nyx/ out of *nokWt- though? I
know that there is no **nukWt-. Could /glykys/
derive from *dlok-u-? And again, you *e-grade a verb
like *dlok-, and you get *dlak- through uvular
colouring via *k. Perfect for the "milk" word.

- gLeN

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