Re: The phonetic value of PIE *h3 and the 'drink' root.

From: sergejus_tarasovas
Message: 14215
Date: 2002-08-03

--- In cybalist@..., "elmerasdk" <jer@...> wrote:
>There are even some who are trying to work out new rules
> for BSl. accents so that they do *not* fit the impression gained
> the other languages by the Moscow School and found confirmed by my
> investigation of the IE o-problem, that's how low some "scholars"
> stoop.

Do you accept Dybo, Nikolaev & Co's theory of Balto-Slavic accent
(every syllable carries a tone, first high-toned syllable acquires an
accent etc.)? If you do, how would you derive these tones from PIE
accentual system (with its expiratory stress, at least at the early
stage)? I feel a strong sympathy to this theory, but I'm not sure
whether it has received any support in the "West", so to say.


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