Dear Pamela,
What would that endangered culture be? Your
name sounds half Danish (Pallessen), half-German (Scherehart) -- both qualifying
as relatively large ethnic groups and neither actually facing extinction at
present or in foreseeable future. What's
this concern about miscegenation? Forgive me for putting it bluntly, but I
detect a xenophobic tone in your posting, something that is rarely heard on
this list. Most of the members, I presume, are interested in _various_ cultures
-- the Indo-European languages have been spoken by culturally dissimilar peoples
on two continents for several thousand years.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, May 31, 2002 7:23 PM
Subject: Re: [tied] Vedic Astronomy - Biblio
see attached image. and realize i have NO interest in your
culture. i belong to one of the most quickly disappearing cultures on the
planet and have only a need to know more about my own people before we
disappear, are outbred and are miscegenated out of
existence. do not
waste my time sending me email pamela