Vedic Astronomy - Biblio
From: vishalsagarwal
Message: 13779
Date: 2002-05-31
Around the middle of April 2002, someone had requested a biblio list
on secondary literature on Indian astronomy, as it relates to the
arrival of IA languages in India, and to the date of the Vedic
literature. At that time, I had given a short list. Below is a much
longer list, listing articles arguing for a high as well as for a low
chronology of Vedic literature.
There are several articles by Vijk in Acta Orientalia (1920's to
1930's) but I have not listed them as they are outdated except for
the general information contained in them on the system if tithis,
muhurtas etc.
Astronomy (Excluding On-line Articles in EJVS)
A. AIT/Harappan Astronomy
ABHYANKAR, K. D. 1993. A Search for the Earliest Vedic Calendar.
Indian Journal of History of Science. Vol. 28.1, pp 1-14
ACHAR, B. N. Narahari. 2000. A Case for Revising the Date of the
Vedanga Jyotisa. Indian Journal of History of Science. Vol. 35.3: pp.
______. 2000. On the Astronomical Basis of the Date of Satapatha
Brahmana: A Re-examination of Dixit's Theory. Indian Journal of
History of Science. Vol. 35.1:pp.1-19
______. 2000. On the Caitradi Scheme. Indian Journal of History of
Science. Vol. 35.4: pp. 295-310
______. 1998. On the Vedic Origin of the Ancient Mathematical
Astronomy of India. Journal of Studies on Ancient India. Vol. 1, nos.
2-4: pp. 95-108
_____. 1998. Engima of the Five-Year Yuga of Vedanga Jyotisha. Indian
Journal of History of Science. Vol. 33.2: pp. 101-109
_______. A Mesopotamian Origin for Vedaanga Jyotisha: Is it
Justified? Journal of Indian Philosophy and Religion, Vol. 2, pp. 29-
_______.forthc. Planetarium Software and the Date of the Mahabharata
BAG, A. K. Astronomy in Indus Civilization and During Vedic Times.
Indian Journal of History of Science. Vol. 20.1-4: pp 1122-130
FALK, Harry. 2000. Measuring Time in Mesopotamia and Ancient India.
ZDMG, vol. 150, pp. 107-132
FRAWLEY, David. 1994. Planets in the Vedic Literature. Indian Journal
of History of Science. Vol. 29.4: pp 495-506
HARI, K. Chandra. 2000. Search for an Ancient Epoch of Indian
Astronomy. Indian Journal of History of Science. Vol. 35.2: pp. 109-
______. Date of the Solar Orbit of the Satapatha Brahmana. Indian
Journal of History of Science. Vol. 35.1: pp. 21-25
______. 1998. On the Origin of Sidereal Zodiac and Astronomy. Indian
Journal of History of Science. Vol. 33.4: pp. 257-266
KAK, Subhash C. 2001. The Astronomical Code of the Rgveda (2nd Edn.).
Munshiram Manoharlal: New Delhi
______.1998. The Sun's Orbit in the Brahmanas. Indian Journal of
History of Science. Vol. 33.3: pp 175-191
______. 1993 The Structure of the Rgveda. Indian Journal of History
of Science. Vol. 28.2: pp 71-79
______. 1993 Astronomy of the Satapatha Brahmana. Indian Journal of
History of Science. Vol. 28.1, pp 15-34
OHASI, Yukio. 1993. Development of Astronomical Observation in Vedic
and Post-Vedic India. Indian Journal of History of Science. Vol.
28.3: pp 185-251
PARPOLA, Asko. 2000. The Religious Background of the Savitri Legend.
In "Haranandalahari, Festschrift Minoru Hara", pp. 196-216
______. 1989. Astral Proper Names in India- An Analysis of the Oldest
Sources, with Augmentation for an Ultimately Harappan Origin.
In "Brahmavidya, The Adyar Library Bulletin", Vol. 53, pp.1-53
PINGREE, David. "Birth and early development of Indian astronomy" has
WESTERN ASTRONOMY, Helaine Selin (ed), Kluwer, 2000, pps. 303-340.
________. 1973. The Mesopotamian Origin of Early Indian Mathematical
Astronomy. Journal for the History of Astronomy. Vol. 4, pp. 1-12
PLOFKER, Kim. 1996. A Review of `Subhash Kak. The Astronomical Code
of the Rgveda'. In "Centaurus", vol. 38, pp. 362-364
SHARMA, S. D. 1996. Conjunction of Jupiter with d Cancri. Indian
Journal of History of Science. Vol. 31.3. pp 269-274
STAAL, Frits. 2000. Vyakarana and Sulba in the Light of Newton's
Lesson. In "Haranandalahari, Festschrift Minoru Hara", pp. 349-374
B. Other Astronomy
ABHYANKAR, K. D.; G. M. Ballabh. 1996. Kaliyuga, Saptarsi,
Yudhisthira and Laukika Eras. Indian Journal of History of Science.
Vol. 31.1: pp 19-33
_____. 1991. Modification of Some Indian Naksatras. Indian Journal of
History of Science. Vol. 26.1: pp 1-10
ACHAR, Narahari. 1999. On an Astrononical Concept in Visnupurana.
Indian Journal of History of Science. Vol. 34.2: pp 109-115
CHATTERJEE, S. K. 1997. A Note on Kali Era. Indian Journal of History
of Science. Vol. 32.1: pp 69-86
DOBBINS, K. Walton. The Origin of the Vikrama Era. Unpublished, Typed
HARI, K. Chandra. 1999. Intricacy of the Siddhantic Solar Year.
Indian Journal of History of Science. Vol. 34.2: pp.133-143
_____. 1998. On the Origin of `Kaliyugadi' Synodic Super-Conjunction.
Indian Journal of History of Science. Vol. 33.3: pp. 193-201
______. 1997. The Rationale of Surya-Siddhanta. Indian Journal of
History of Science. Vol. 32.3: pp 183-190
KAK, Subhash C. 1998. Early Theories on the Distance to the Sun.
Indian Journal of History of Science. Vol. 33.2: pp.93-100
LISHK, Sajjan Singh and S. D. SHARMA. 1980. Standardization of Time-
Unit Muhurta Through the Science of Sciatherics in Atharva Vedanga
Jyotisha. Indian Journal of History of Science. Vol. 15.2: pp 193-203
MUKHERJEE, B. N. 1997. A Note on the Vikrama and Saka Eras. Indian
Journal of History of Science, Vol. 32.1, pp. 87-92
PARAMAHANS, S. A. 1989. A Fresh Glimpse on the Date of the
Mahabharata. Indian Journal of History of Science. Vol. 24.3: pp. 150-
SARMA, K. V. 1985. A Survey of Source Materials. Indian Journal of
History of Science. Vol. 20.1-4: pp 1-20
SHASTRI, Ajay Mitra. 1996. Saka Era. Indian Journal of History of
Science. Vol. 31.1: pp. 67-88
_______. 1996. Vikrama Era. Indian Journal of History of Science.
Vol. 31.1: pp.35-65
SHUKLA, K. S. 1989. The Yuga of the Yavanajataka David Pingree's
Text and Translation Reviewed. Indian Journal of History of Science.
Vol. 34.4: pp.211-223
VARADARAJAN, Lotika. Astrology and Astronomy The Indo-Portuguese
Encounter. VI International Seminar of Indo-Portuguese History, Macao
22-26 October 1991
Other literature -
Aiyar, B. V. Kamesvara. 1919. The Lunar Zodiac in the Brahmanas.
Indian Antiquary 48:95-97
____.1922. The Age of the Brahmanas. Quarterly Journal of the Mythic
Society. 12:171 193, 223-246 and 357-366
Buhler G. 1894. Note on Prfoessor Jacobi's Age of the Veda and on
Professor Tilak's Orion". Indian Antiquary 23: 238-249
Hermann Jacobi. 1909. On the Antiquity of the Vedic Culture. Journal
of the Royal Asiatic Soceity 721-726
____. 1910. The Antiquity of the Vedic Culture. JRAS 456-467
Pingree, David Edwin. JyotiHzAstra : astral and mathematical
literature. [J. Gonda (ed.), A history of Indian literature, vol. 6,
fasc. 4]. Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz, 1981.
---, Venus Omens in India and Babylon. In: Francesca Rochberg-Halton
(ed.), Language, Literature and History: Philological and Historical
Studies Presented to Erica Reiner. American Oriental Society, 1987:
---, Legacies in Astronomy and Celestial Omens. In: Stephanie Dalley
(ed.) The Legacy of Mesopotamia, , Oxford University Press 1998.
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