Scots (was Re: [tied] Gaelic)

From: erobert52@...
Message: 13704
Date: 2002-05-13

In a message dated 11/05/02 13:52:21 GMT Daylight Time, parsleyij@... writes:

Weel, A jalouse it's no yer blame! A wheen Scots juist decides A'm ane o the
'learner enthusiasts' acause A belang Norlin Airlan. Sae A'm haean tae fecht
fowk frae here as allous thay ar for helpan the leid, whaniver in actual
fact thay'r juist for forderan it for poleetical grunds.

The leid in Ulster is nou deean out *faster* nor ten year syne, acause o
whit sic fowk bes daean. A canna dae research intae it athout fowk allouan A
hae poleetical motivations - that's *waur* nor ten year syne. Sae aa this
govrenment siller is daean the leid skaith.

Moral: it's no siller minoritie leids is needan, but *expertise*. A wee bit
siller wad be a dangersom thing gif the fowk giean it out haes nae notion
about linguistics!

Weel, naw, siller isnae awthing. It needs tae git spent on the richt things, an Ah wid see wark in gittin it introduce't intae the scuils as the priority. An some soart ae recognition tae mak fowk luik at it as haein mair status, fur tae mak up fur the attitudes ae educationalists in the auld days. A guid introductory coorse fur non-native speakers wid help tae, sae that learners dinnae mak it up as they gaun alang. An an offeecial orthographical staunart furbye. Ye dinnae need aw that much siller fur tae dae that, bit it helps.

Bit ye'r sayin siller actually daes hairm, in the Northern Ireland context onywey. Mibbe ye shuid explain a wee bittie ae the political backgrun tae whit maks ye say that, cause fowk in the Scottish context mibbe fin the idea ae siller bein a bad thing kin ae haird tae unnerstaun.


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