Re: [tied] Re: Nostratic's New Guinea Home

From: Michal Milewski
Message: 13621
Date: 2002-05-03

----- Original Message -----
From: "tgpedersen" <tgpedersen@...>

> 1) That at the end of the last ice age there was a large population
> in Sundaland, that is the area of present-day Indonesia, which at
> that time (since the water level of the oceans due to much water
> being bound in continental ice-shelves was much lower than today) was
> one contiguous and very fertile land mass, and that parts of this
> population, as the water level rose and inundated Sundaland,
> dispersed to various parts of the world.
> 2) That a tribe or body of people migrated around 0 CE from around
> the Sea of Azov first to Thuringia in Germany, then to Denmark and
> further north in Scandinavia.
> Do you know of any genetic data that would corroborate or refute
> either of these two theories?

Nothing, I''m afraid. But I wasn't particulary interested in finding
anything that would be relevant to these questions. So I'll keep it in mind
and let you know when I notice something interesting.

