Bartholomae's Law and Grassman's Law
From: x99lynx@...
Message: 13294
Date: 2002-04-16
"P&G" <petegray@...> writes:
<<For me, the major phonetic problem in Sanskrit is reconciling Bartholomae's
Law and Grassman's Law, both of which are needed, but each of which implies a
different order of events.>>
Peter- if you have the time - could you explain how you understand the two
laws "imply" two different orders of events? I've heard this before but
don't understand how this conflict is detected. I don't think you are saying
there are specific Sanskrit words where Bartholomae-type permutations show
erratic chronological occurence, i.e., before or after Grassman (aspirated
consonants lose their aspiration if followed by an aspirated consonant) in
the order in which they happened - I don't think. I don't follow how the
implied chronology can be different for the two laws.
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