From: wtsdv
Message: 13210
Date: 2002-04-12
> I understand fully well what the topic is about. However, before
> trying to test if AIT or OIT is a superior model you must get your
> reconstructions straight for which ever scenario you want to test.
> point I wished to stress is a very artificial set of explanationsyou
> offer regarding the potential markers for an early date of theAIT
> Rigveda. Personally, I am agnostic about OIT/AIT, but the current
> with a late date for the R^igveda just does not seem to explain theexplanations
> Vedic evidence. So one has to try the kinds of artificial
> you offer. If the vedic texts are much older than 1500 BC as thethe
> Indians believe, then its implications are profound for both OIT or
> AIT. That is all I am trying to say.
> > Well I don't believe that there were ever such things as "Rig
> > vedic seers", only Rig Vedic poets. The poets would have
> Seer means one credited with great spiritual insight. That is what
> R^igvedic Rishis were in the eyes of the Indians.Not in the eyes of all Indians. There are many agnostic and atheist
> If you do not consider them seers that is not my problemIt's not anybody's problem.
> and nor can you convert my views on the matterAre you admiting that your mind is closed in some areas? (^:
> Do not just look at the Sarasvati. The R^igveda is full of theon
> geography of the North of the Indian subcontinent with an emphasis
> many other rivers like Indus, Yamuna, Vipas etc. So Sarasvati mustbe
> viewed in that context and not as some river. The geographicalin
> allusion of Vasishtha or Gritsamada are very consistent with places
> Northern India and I see no reason to make exceptions for Sarasvati.I agree that this is all very compelling, but contradictory evidence
> Well Burrow says that the Indo-Aryans and Mittanians were the sameWhat I was objecting to was your imputing dishonest motives to a
> broad band of invaders into south Asia-middle east, who were later
> interrupted by the Iranians wave. So vedas and mittani should have
> a similar age.
> Witzel states that Vedas and Avesta mention chariots soThat
> they should have an age lesser than that of the oldest chariots.
> is why I used the bird dinosaur example. The earlist fossil bird isits
> much older than the dinosaurs that is likely to have been close to
> ancestry. This only means that that those kinds of dinosaursexisted
> for a very long time and their fossil were found quite late.Similarly
> the earliest chariots found by archaeologist may not be anywhereclose
> to the earliest chariot itself.Thanks for clarifying that, and I do agree with you somewhat that