From: tgpedersen
Message: 13031
Date: 2002-04-05
> <I wonder why the Polish Jews' Yiddish didn't absorb the Polish
> then. Why, come to think of it, did Crimean Gothic borrow theIranian
> numerals '100' and '1000' (Cr.Goth. sada, hazer)?>why. Both
> If there were econonic reasons, economic analysis might tell you
> Karl Marx and Ronald McDonald will tell you that history moves byits
> stomach. And even if Hegel is sometimes right, if history issometimes led
> by its head, humans are driven by a lot more in their heads thanprestige.
> Besides you can't eat prestige. I don't know about Yiddish, butCrimean
> Gothic might have been asked to fill Iranian batch orders for thosefamous
> Crimean Gothic Sausages in 100's or 1000's (or whatever it is thatCrimean
> Goths specialized in.) Maybe another extra-linguistic factor hereis the
> inscrutable human tendency to round-off numbers. :)Older Germanic languages had a "small hundred" (100) and a "large
> Steve